About NSTA - National Spasmodic Torticollis Association

The International Neurotoxin Association (INA) – The TOXINS 2022 6th International Conference

09 Feb

The TOXINS 2022 6th International Conference which will be held July 27-30, 2022, in New Orleans, Louisiana. The TOXINS conferences are the premier venue for consideration of the latest developments in the basic science and clinical applications of neurotoxins. The scientific program―presented by the world’s experts in their respective fields―will be of interest to basic scientists and […]

Webinar with Ken Price – My Unusual and Successful Treatment for my Spasmodic Torticollis (ST)

15 Dec

December 2021 The following is an update of a column I wrote for the Spring 2015 issue of the ST Quarterly on my unusual and successful treatment for my Spasmodic Torticollis (ST).  Although I still have muscle spasms in my cervical region, they are generally quite mild and painless, I have free movement and correct […]

Dystonia Support & Advocacy Group of San Diego County Meeting

11 Aug

DATE: Saturday, July 13, 2024 TIME: 1-3:00 p.m. Pacific time Individuals with ALL forms of dystonia are invited to join us for a virtual support group meeting that promises to be a very informative session. Presentation Title: Finding Control in Dystonia – Holistic Rehabilitation and Treatment Options Guest Presenter: Lincoln Beal PT, DPT who is a physical […]

An announcement from the Brain Awareness Week Campaign Headquarters

11 Mar

Dear Brain Awareness Week Partners, Brain Awareness Week—March 15-21—is less than two months away, and we’re looking forward to hearing how you plan to celebrate in your community! Partners can now log in to the Brain Awareness Week website to post your event information on the Calendar of Events. With the Covid-19 pandemic continuing to […]

2019 NSTA Symposium – Saturday, Nov. 16th and Sunday, Nov. 17th

19 Aug

WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT SPASMODIC TORTICOLLIS/CERVICAL DYSTONIA? The NSTA Symposium is Back! It is with a grateful thank you to the generous donations from Diane Truong, the late emeritus board member Bob Farmer, and from our sponsors Allergan Inc., Ipsen, MedTronics and US WorldMeds LLC, that we are proud to host our first symposium […]

In praise of Jean-Pierre Bleton’s approach to the rehabilitation of cervical dystonia and on its complementarity with botulinum toxin injections – by Matthieu, Paris, France

17 Apr

37-year old patient with cervical dystonia Original story published on https://amadys.fr/temoignage/temoignage-de-m-adherent-dystonie-cervicale-se-reeduquer-apprendre-a-bien-vivre-maladie/ Having worked for several years as both a tour guide and a teacher in Paris, while pursuing my PhD in art history, I was diagnosed last year at the age of 36 with cervical dystonia. Receiving this diagnosis – which came, fortunately enough, only […]

4th International Congress on Treatment of Dystonia, May 08-11, 2019, Hannover, Germany​

26 Nov

The 4th International Congress on Treatment of Dystonia 2019 covers topics such as: Teatment of Dystonia Dystonia Deep brain Stimulation Dystonias are amongst the most common movement disorders. Botulinum toxin and deep brain stimulation have revolutionized their therapy. However, there are still considerable unmet therapeutic needs. This was the reason to organise an International Congress […]

Tired of Your Cervical Dystonia? ASPEN Research Study Now Enrolling

19 Nov

Is your cervical dystonia medication wearing off too soon, with the pain returning? You’re not alone. A Phase 3 global research study called ASPEN, sponsored by Revance, needs people aged 18 to 80 who have been diagnosed with isolated cervical dystonia and who haven’t had a botulinum toxin injection within the previous 14 weeks. The […]