Group Overview Online Support Group for Cervical Dystonia hosted by Linda Furiate with a focus on emotional and spiritual healing. The group is geared toward the like-minded and for those who want to play a central role in their own healing (even when that includes the typical traditional medical modalities for cervical dystonia). Everyone who […]

Introducing New NSTA Board Member Jeff Shair

Since the early 2000s’, I have been involved with the NSTA in various endeavors. These include a presenter at symposiums, a writer for the ST Quarterly, an advocate for Dystonia Advocacy Day in Washington DC, and a guest with Ken Price on a local radio show. In addition, I have been an encourager by phone […]
NSTA Funding Research in 2022
The Dystonia Coalition (DC) solicits applications for Pilot Projects Program (PPP) and a Career Development Award (CDA) each year. All applications are reviewed by the DC’s Review Boards and during a recent annual meeting, it was suggested that the DC share information with all Patient Advocacy Groups (PAG). This give PAGs the opportunity to co-supporting […]
Webinar with Brian D. Berman, M.D., M.S., F.A.A.N – Beneath the Surface: Non-Motor Symptoms in Cervical Dystonia

Dr. Brian Berman is no stranger to the NSTA. He has supported the NSTA in many ways including presenting on “Neuroimaging in Spasmodic Torticollis” at the 2013 NSTA Symposium in Atlanta, Georgia. On Saturday, March 26th at 10:00 AM Pacific Time, Dr. Berman is our guest speaker for the next NSTA webinar. His topic is […]
Dystonia Advocacy Network Training – March 15th at 4:00 pm ET.
The Dystonia Advocacy Network needs your help in raising awareness of dystonia with elected officials and supporting the need for more dystonia research. Please consider becoming a dystonia advocate and joining with others across the country in making a difference. Training is provided and an overview of the issues will be done via a webinar […]
The International Neurotoxin Association (INA) – The TOXINS 2022 6th International Conference
The TOXINS 2022 6th International Conference which will be held July 27-30, 2022, in New Orleans, Louisiana. The TOXINS conferences are the premier venue for consideration of the latest developments in the basic science and clinical applications of neurotoxins. The scientific program―presented by the world’s experts in their respective fields―will be of interest to basic scientists and […]
Webinar with Ken Price – My Unusual and Successful Treatment for my Spasmodic Torticollis (ST)

December 2021 The following is an update of a column I wrote for the Spring 2015 issue of the ST Quarterly on my unusual and successful treatment for my Spasmodic Torticollis (ST). Although I still have muscle spasms in my cervical region, they are generally quite mild and painless, I have free movement and correct […]
Dystonia Support & Advocacy Group of San Diego County Meeting
Date: Saturday, January 11, 2025 Time: 1:00-3:00 p.m. Pacific time All are welcome to join us for our first virtual support group meeting of 2025. Our meetings are not specific to any one form of dystonia. This will be an OPEN SHARING/DISCUSSION format (no guest presenter). We will use the time to chat, learn and […]
An announcement from the Brain Awareness Week Campaign Headquarters
Dear Brain Awareness Week Partners, Brain Awareness Week—March 15-21—is less than two months away, and we’re looking forward to hearing how you plan to celebrate in your community! Partners can now log in to the Brain Awareness Week website to post your event information on the Calendar of Events. With the Covid-19 pandemic continuing to […]
Virtual Advocacy Day Planned for March 3, 2021
We invite you to become a dystonia advocate and help to support research funding, access to treatment and help Members of Congress know what dystonia is and how it changes lives. In 2021, the Dystonia Advocacy Network (DAN) will host a virtual Advocacy Day on March 3rd that will launch our year-long advocacy activities and […]
Support the NSTA this Holiday Season by shopping at
Dear Friends of the NSTA, The holiday season is just around the corner and with everyone preparing by shopping early for friends and family, we want to remind you that you can do so and help support the NSTA and other charities by shopping at, or to donate items directly from your AmazonSmile Charity […]
2019 NSTA Symposium – Saturday, Nov. 16th and Sunday, Nov. 17th
WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT SPASMODIC TORTICOLLIS/CERVICAL DYSTONIA? The NSTA Symposium is Back! It is with a grateful thank you to the generous donations from Diane Truong, the late emeritus board member Bob Farmer, and from our sponsors Allergan Inc., Ipsen, MedTronics and US WorldMeds LLC, that we are proud to host our first symposium […]